
Hi, I'm Thyra (also known as Daniël Sonck) and welcome to Thyra Inflatables. I'm an inflatable enthusiast that wanted to disturb the status-quo of inflatables. In order to do that, I've poked deep into the process factories use to see where I could get some improvements. I've since found this and I'm offering my design services to others (check out commissions). If you're curious as to what I've done in the past, look under projects.

Besides helping others with their design endeavors, I also intend to create a few of my own designs. In particular I want to make Thyra a reality. When not working on commissions or other tasks, I'll be improving her design till she comes to this world in her squeaky form.

Lastly, I have my contacts with a few factories. So if you desire some simpler designs like anime prints on various shapes, I can facilitate the production of them. We can discuss the specifics you want: one-off, private run or perhaps a collaboration for in the store that will be added in the future.